Oval Faces - Have slightly wider cheekbones, with a narrower jaw and forehead.
  • Sunglasses shapes that work best - square frames and oversized sunglasses.
Round Faces -  Have softer angles, sightly wider cheekbones and equally wide jaw and forehead.
  • Sunglasses shapes that work best - rectangle frames.

STYLES - Nada, Lennox, London, Banks


Triangle Faces - Have an equally wide forehead and cheekbones, becoming narrower towards the jaw.
  • Sunglasses shapes that work best - round and frames that are thicker at the top.

STYLES - Callie, Beachley, Willow, Midnight


Square Faces - Have equally wide jaw, cheekbones and forehead, with more angular lines.
  • Sunglasses shapes that work best - round frames.

STYLES - Willow, Callie, Beachley